Monday, January 29, 2007
Attitude Adjustment Week
I work part time as a photo processing technician. I love the work, the company, my manager, most of my co-workers. I work 2-3 nights a week and Saturday mornings. The biggest downside to my job I guess is not having a set schedule. My nights off vary each week. OK, there is another downside to my job. For 26 years my husband has known I DON'T DO TRASH. I'll do windows, but not trash. Each evening when I close up the photo lab, I have to do the trash! Ewwwww, that's a man's job.

Now that I've bored you with all that, I'll get to the point of this post. I have for whatever reason become burned out lately. But this week I am off all week until Friday night. That is four days straight! I totally plan to have an Attitude Adjustment Week. I have so many plans (and lists) to get projects done and household chores caught up. It's noon, and 27 degrees here. I have already washed the bed linens, washed bathroom rugs, straighted the kitchen and begun rearranging the living room furniture. I'm having a blast knowing I can stay in my pjs until just before hubby gets home. I'm going to make a big pot of vegetable beef soup for dinner. After dinner we may watch one of the three Netflix movies we have.

Have a great day all. I'm off the adjust the living room as I adjust my attitude.


Blogger Amber said...

I don't do trash either! Ewwwwwww. However, I do have to do the trash when Jay is away. I have a bad habit of stacking the trash up as high as it can possibly go before taking it out.

Enjoy your attitude adjustment week! :)

Blogger Emily said...

Good luck with your attitude adjustment!

Wow -- happy productivity!

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