I was taking a break while making my 6th batch of Chex Party Mix and wandered over to Kentucky Gal's site and saw this cute little game.
Google Game:
1. Google for Christmas (or the December Holiday of your choice) plus the year of your birth.
2. Post the most charming picture you can find.
3. Get misty with nostalgia over hot cocoa and peppermint cookies.

The reason I picked this picture is to prove to my kids we DID have color TV back then. (1958)
Google Game:
1. Google for Christmas (or the December Holiday of your choice) plus the year of your birth.
2. Post the most charming picture you can find.
3. Get misty with nostalgia over hot cocoa and peppermint cookies.

The reason I picked this picture is to prove to my kids we DID have color TV back then. (1958)
Hey, that's kind of fun!
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