Whew, I think that's enought Meme's. I found this one at Barb's place where you can trace it's path. :)
I've been busy, busy but since this is about Christmas, I couldn't resist doing it.
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Egg Nog!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? When the kids were young, Santa never wrapped. It's oh so much easier now that he wraps. Christmas Eve is much more relaxing.
3.Colored lights on tree/house or white? Colored, though hubby is thrilled that I'm beginning to see the (white) light.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Who needs mistletoe?
5. When do you put your decorations up? Usually a couple weeks (or more) before Thanksgiving. However, this year when Austin comes home for breaks I want it to feel to him like Thanksgiving break and later Christmas break, so I have been decorating the past two days. Does it ever get finished?
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Aunt Judy's dressing which is the best, bar none.
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: Waking up to big bicycles in the living room that held my favorite ever type of tree... an aluminum tree with color wheel. Ever seen one?
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? Gradually I would pick up little hints, whisperings, etc. My mom always wondered how I "just knew" every such secret.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Never
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? Lots of colored twinkling lights and lots of hodge podge ornaments. We have wooden ornaments, hand crafted ornaments, Hallmarks, ones the kids made through the years, ones my dear mother-in-law made for my son in his youth... Hodge podge, and I love it.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love, love, love it but we live in Georgia. Sigh
12. Can you ice skate? Ummm no
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I have many. One of my very favorites was a box of soaps of the month. I LOVE bubble baths and different scented soaps. Another favorite was a bath caddy from my hubby. It has a book rest, holds a candle and goblet.
14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Family
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Baklava
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? We have many. I guess my most favorite is waking early on Christmas morning, exchanging gifts, then having our traditional breakfast casserole that I prepare on Christmas Eve. It bakes while we are exchanging gifts.
17. What tops your tree? A star. The star sometimes varies, but always a star.
18. Which do you prefer Giving or Receiving? Definitely giving.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Beautiful Star of Bethlehem
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum?? Yuck
P.S. I won’t tag anyone, but please feel free to play along at your blog, or answer any of the questions here in the comments.
Eggnog, Snow, and Baklava...you are MY kind of woman! Go girl!
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