...a blog. Just in case you haven't had the fortunate opportunity to visit Carrot Jello at oinkledoinkle, treat yourself today. I sometimes don't enjoy blogs which have continuous music playing, but I never tire of her music. And just look at the name of the blog...oinkledoinkle. And her name, Carrot jello. And the darling sidebar. I always leave her site with a smile. Thanks, Carrot Jello for delightful visits!
First off...I LOVE your header and the subtle joke with the towels. Funny stuff!
Thanks for visiting my blog with a kind word. I've responded over there. Now...there's music playing, but you can easily pause it as soon as the blog comes up with the little buttons on the player, so please don't let that stop you. :)
I'm glad you were lured back out of lurkdom (although I guess technically you can't lurk on your own blog...).
You are right about Carrot, she's hilarious!
Your blog is beautiful!
She certainly chose a creative name for her blog - how cute!
I have to tell you, you'll love the music at Grafted Branch's blog too. Wonderful. Soothing.
Thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my endless wedding posts, Doris. I've been awful about getting around to everyone during this wedding process but things are surely going to settle down now.
Your name is in the hat for the favor giveaway. :-)
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